Sunday, September 11, 2011

My 9/11 story

On 9/11/01, I was watching some NASCAR coverage, when my brother-in-law called and said to turn on the news. An I tell him "Now why should i do that?" and he say "It is a matter of national security!"

Now normally, i don't listen to a thing he says. He's one of the high class office-workers; he CAN NOT be trusted. But anyhow, today i just decided to listen to him. So i change to some news, and i see the word trade center burning, and i see some bastard fly another plane into the second building.

My first thought was "Damn, and it looks so nice there.." But them i thought "Who's the evil son of satan who did this??"

So i call up Lester. He says "You seen what happened on the news." i say "Yep." He say "Damn. That's a terrorist attack." and i reply "Damn, that's a terrorist attack."

So now what are we gonna do? I ask Lester what he knows about it, and he says "Pretty sure it's that Osama guy." An i say "Let's get him." So I throw a dip in and head over to Lester's. Now he tells me that Obama is the leader of some cult called Al Kiduh. I say "Well what are they?" and he says "They're muslims."

"Damn. They're muslims."

Now there was a mosque about thirty miles away, so me and Lest rode out there to try to find Osama. We saw a muslin guy, so i shot him and said "Where the hells Osama?" he say "I don't know!" so i shoot him again. Now Lester goes "Man, i think he's tellin the truth." So i throw a dip in, and contemplate it for a little bit. I was about to make my desicion on what to do, but i heard police sirens. Now, me and Lester looked at each other, looked at the wounded muslin, and got the hell out of there.

Now and few months later, Bush had launched some wars against Osama, and just a few months ago, some badass Navy Seals kicked Osama's ugly middle-eastern ass and fed him to some sharks. But I still can't forget that terrible day when America and the Confederacy suffered a terrible tragedy.

Damn. 9/11 pretty much sucked.

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